Greyson Hackaton 2020 Hackaton 2020
The first year of Greyson Hackathon was held in a pre-Christmas "confcall" atmosphere while adhering to hygiene rules. 12 consultants and developers from both the Czech and Slovak offices signed up and formed 2 teams, working intensively on their ideas for 7 days. They took a break from their client projects and pushed their right brain hemisphere to create innovative prototypes in a very short time. We observed them throughout the process and bring you the information on how it all turned out.

The first team chose the topic of digital receipts and invoices. Their challenge was to replace paper receipts with electronic ones while complying with current legislation and maximizing user comfort for both merchants and customers. The team had to deal with several challenges, such as monetizing the solution, motivating customers and merchants to use it, and even designing ways to handle product returns. The proposed new application called E-receipt should be beneficial for all parties involved while minimizing the costs of physical receipts. Whether this idea will be implemented or not remains to be seen, but we are confident that a breakthrough revolution is coming for paper receipts!

The second group of hackathonists focused on a topic in which Greyson is slightly more familiar. Their task was to create a new innovative payment method. The main challenges were to differentiate themselves from the competition and create greater value for customers than giants such as Apple or Google offer. They named their solution GREYTPAY and built it on the principle of instant payments without the need for the merchant to own a POS payment terminal.

The output of the team's collaboration were two functional prototypes, high-level design solutions, and a brief presentation. Of course, we couldn't skip the 20-minute grilling with questions that revealed the strengths and weaknesses of both ideas.

The presentation of the solution, the quality of idea development, and market applicability were key criteria in deciding the winners of this year's Greyson Hackathon. The entire event was watched by more than 60 Greyson colleagues who voted for their winner in the final. Ultimately, according to the criteria and balance of both teams, it was not possible to decide on the winners of the first year, and both teams won. Although it's incredible, that's not what we planned.

We congratulate both teams and wish them many more successes in creating and implementing innovative ideas.
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