Archives journey of our graduates after a year and a half

Martin Macháček - Consultant

The advantage of Greyson is that I always feel interest from my colleagues here. I am not alone in anything and everyone is more than willing to give me advice when I need help with something. At the same time, Greyson has put a lot of trust in me from the beginning. It gives me space to actively participate in individual projects and my ideas are taken with the same weight as those from my more senior colleagues. This allows me to further develop my abilities and skills.

Katarína Kočišová - Consultant

Thanks to my work at Greyson, in a relatively short period of time I was able to try working in diverse teams within both smaller and larger banks, and thus gain a broader overview of how our industry works. I really see Greyson as my partner, and it's not just a phrase - I feel supported by my colleagues in both my career and personal development. And to top it all off, thanks to the benefits and various thematic clubs (which we invent ourselves), I can try new activities and experience great moments with my, dare I say it, friends.

Viktorie Fričová - Consultant

Working at Greyson and its projects is a challenge. Every day brings something new and you will definitely not be bored. As a complete beginner, you don't have to worry about being thrown into the water. You will get an experienced partner who will guide you through the beginnings of the project. But being a Greyson isn't just about work. As we like to say, Greyson is all about the people. Thanks to the approach of our HR team and the benefits they prepare for us, we are different from other companies. You can visit two villas abroad each year. Start your own club and have fun with colleagues outside of work. All you have to do is ask and Greyson will do his thing. During my time at Greyson, I met a lot of great people, some of them have become my closest friends and I can't imagine life without them.

Štěpán Konšel - Junior Developer

Greyson hired me as a part-time student while still in college. In the beginning, I was afraid that I wouldn't fit into the company's processes as a newbie, but Greyson helped me a lot with this and showed that work doesn't have to be just unpleasant. Already as a junior, I had a real opportunity to change parts of the project according to my suggestions and comments, I was given confidence and the opportunity to express myself. But it doesn't mean that I was abandoned and no one cared about me. On the contrary, I was never alone in anything and whenever I got stuck, there was someone who could help me. As the icing on the cake, Greyson has an incredible social life and I can only recommend participating in the various Greyson clubs.

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