
We are GREYT together and become GREENSOON!

We had a successful weekend, which was in cooperation with Raiffeisenbank Group. Firstly, we congratulate our RBCZ team in the Czech Republic on a successful migration – great job!

And we continue - summer BBQs launched!

The world is slowly returning to its usual course, and after a long separation and remote work, we could finally meet in person again. We survived the state of emergency, quarantine, pandemic...and therefore there was already a good reason to celebrate!

Office meeting

On Wednesday, February 12th, we all gathered at our annual Office Meeting, which took place simultaneously in Prague and Bratislava. As usual, we summarized Greyson's successes from the previous year and presented the projects we are implementing in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

A Christmas contribution for little František

At the Christmas party in Prague, we had a lovely mission. We joined forces and became a small Christmas miracle for someone. In cooperation with the ADRA CZ foundation, we helped six-year-old František from Karviná.

Christmas donation for Clowndoctors

Our Christmas party in Bratislava was not only about having fun, but also supporting the beautiful project of Red Nose Clowndoctors. The main program of this civic association involves regular visits of children in hospitals and medical facilities, carried out by professional health clowns.

Christmas is here 😊

With the arrival of the new year, we used to look back and evaluate, but we mustn't forget to properly celebrate the past year 😊 The Christmas party season kicked off in Bratislava at the end of November on the banks of the Danube.

Germs won't get us

November weather is really unpredictable - one day the sun is shining and the next day we're shivering from the cold.

Running is fun for us

We have known for a long time that our company is full of active people, so September and October were all about running. First, the Slovak part of the company participated in a 10 km race.

Company teambuilding amidst the beauty of Dolní Morava

We spent the last weekend of September at a company teambuilding event, attended by both the Slovak and Czech branches of Greyson. We met in the beautiful nature of Dolní Morava, which we admired from Friday evening until Sunday morning.

Greyson ran for help for abused children and raised 13,590 CZK!

From September 5th to 14th, 2019, the fifth annual charity-sports event "TERIBEAR moves Prague - first day with a bear" took place on top of Vítkov hill. This year, we also participated and put together the Greyson team.

A proper barbecue belongs to summer

During these sunny days, fantastic barbecues took place in both corners of our countries. We started the season in the Czech Republic on an island in the middle of the Vltava River at the Cisarska louka. The Slovak barbecue did not wait long, and the aroma of grilled delicacies spread from the beautiful area in Patrónka.

Greyson aktívne

Jún bol pre nás v znamení aktívneho odpočinku. Na Slovensku sme si začiatkom mesiaca užili trochu toho adrenalínu prostredníctvom motokárových pretekov, kde si naši zamestnanci navzájom zmerali sily. Takú istú zábavu si zvolil aj český Java tím, ktorý pretekal s časom a trhal traťové rekordy.

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