Who we are

Greyson.eu/Who we are
We prepare and carry out projects that move our clients' businesses to a higher level. We implement the latest practices and the newest IT technologies that are currently available. The focus of our projects is in the banking and finance industry, but we also have clients from the telecommunications, healthcare, and public sectors.

Thanks to our broad team of specialists, we can handle any task or problem you bring to us. We develop long-term partnerships based on trust and understanding of the client's needs. The result of our cooperation is not only a functional solution but also the acquisition of know-how and new skills.

16 years in business

Thanks to our people, since 2007 we have grown from a start-up to one of the leading consulting companies in Czech Republic and Slovakia. And we still continue to grow.

250+ professionals

We are more than 250 professionals with varied business and technical background: project managers, IT architects, business consultants, developers, testers, IT, data and business specialists.

1 strong team

Project management, business and technology advisory, BI, system integration, IT development and everything in-between: we have the right set of people for large and challenging projects.

Čo  nás hovoria naši ľudia

  • "Mám možnosť podieľať sa na zaujímavých projektoch vo významných spoločnostiach. Každý projekt so sebou prináša nové výzvy, príležitosti, zaujímavých ľudí a situácie. Stimulujúce pracovné prostredie, otvorené možnosti kariérneho rastu, naslúchajúce vedenie a priateľská atmosféra sú pre mňa významnými benefitmi."
    Peter Košút
    Managing Konzultant
    “Greyson sa aj napriek rýchlemu rastu dištancuje od byrokratických procesov obvyklých pre korporácie. Každý zamestnanec má možnosť prezentácie svojich nápadov a návrhov na zlepšenie”
    Martin Kolesár
    Senior Manažér
  • "Pracujem tu rád, pretože je tu skvelá kombinácia zaujímavých projektov, profesionálneho prístupu, osobného rastu a neskutočných kolegov, s ktorými rád trávim aj svoj voľný čas!"
    Miroslav Vansa
    "Greyson mi dal príležitosť nahliadnuť už počas štúdia do sveta poradenstva. Od tej doby som pracoval na niekoľkých zaujímavých projektoch pre lídrov na trhu v bankovníctve a stretol som veľa skvelých a úspešných ľudí. Greyson nie je korporátna spoločnosť a umožňuje individuálny rast."
    Vojtěch Sikyta
    Managing Konzultant
  • "Vďaka atmosfére v Greysone máte chuť púšťať sa do nových vecí. Môžete sa spoľahnúť na šéfov a na kolegov, pretože čo sa povie, to platí. Zdieľanie skúseností a odborné školenia nie sú iba nastavená méta, ale korenie bežných pracovných dní"
    Petr Štěpánek
    Solution Architekt
    "Na Greysone sa mi páči, že vývojárom dokáže poskytnúť rozvoj ako technický, tak aj biznisový, možnosť a častokrát aj výzvu pracovať na zaujímavých a dôležitých projektoch. Nie sme tu len 1 a 0, ale aj super kolektív :-)"
    Róbert Škop
    Senior developer
  • "Pracujem v Greysone rada, pretože je tu skvelý team a rodinná atmosféra!"
    Jana Sigetová
    Managing Konzultant
    "Prečo Greyson? Pre toto: Chcem zaujímavú prácu na nových veciach a tu ju mám. Chcem pracovať pre organizácie, ktoré sú top v tom čo robia, a Greyson také projekty má. Chcem sa spoľahnúť na ľudí, s ktorými pracujem a pre Greyson presne taký pracujú. A teda to pivo občas :-)"
    Marek Tamajka
    Senior Delivery Manager

What our people say about us...

"I have opportunities to participate in interesting projects for market leading companies. Each project brings along new challenges, opportunities, interesting people and situations. Stimulating work environment, career growth possibilities, attentive management and friendly atmophere are important benefits for me."
Peter Košút
Managing Conzultant
"Despite rapid growth, Greyson refuses bureaucratic processes which are commonplace in corporations. Every employee can present his/her ideas and suggest improvements"
Martin Kolesár
Senior Manager

"I like working here, because of great combination of interesting projects, professional approach, personal development and incredible colleagues, with whom I enjoy spending even my free time!"
Miroslav Vansa
"Greyson gave me the opportunity to look into the world of consulting while studying. Since then, I have worked on several interesting projects for market leaders in banking and met many cool and successful people. Greyson is not a cut-and-dried corporate and allows individual growth path."
Vojtěch Sikyta
Managing Conzultant
"Thanks to atmosphere in Greyson you really feel like trying new things. You can rely on your leaders and colleagues, because mutual agreements are kept. Sharing of experience and professional trainings are not just vague goals, but reality of ordinary work days"
Petr Štěpánek
Solution Architekt
"What I like about Greyson is that if offers the developers the chance to grow in both technical and business areas, opportunity (and often also challenge) to work on interesting and important project. We're not just 1's a 0's, but a great team :-)"
Róbert Škop
Senior developer
"I like the work in Greyson, because we have here a great team and family-like environment!"
Jana Sigetová
Managing Conzultant
"Why Greyson? Because: I want interesting work on new things and here I have that. I want to work for organization which are leaders in what they do, and Greyson has such projects. I want to be able to rely on people with whom I work and Greyson has exactly that kind of people. Plus the occassional beer :-)"
Marek Tamajka
Senior Delivery Manager

Join our team!

We are looking for exceptional talents to strengthen our team, including recent university graduates and experienced professionals in IT and business.

Contact us

© Greyson Consulting, 2007-2022.
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