Automated testing testing
The development and evolution of business applications often represent one of the largest items in corporate budgets. The constant pressure to reduce costs has therefore strongly affected software development. The influx of new business requirements for software is a reflection of the need for constant innovation. Underestimating innovation is often synonymous with decline. 

One solution to the dilemma between the need for software development and budget reductions is to streamline the entire application development process. The natural candidate for streamlining is the automation of frequently repeated "mechanical" tasks, such as testing.

Characteristics of automated testing

Automated testing allows the repeated execution of business scenario testing through dedicated software tools. Such dedicated testing software typically inputs test data into the application under test, simulates user behavior, compares results to expectations, and generates detailed reports. Some of these automation testing tools also allow the recording of user behavior in the tested application, generate a script based on it, and subsequently use this script in tests that can be run automatically (e.g., at a set time or upon a certain event, such as the deployment of a new version).

After the test is executed, an automatically generated report records detailed results of the test run. This report can also be part of an email notification, which alerts the responsible tester, and, if necessary, the test results can be further analyzed in detail. With automated testing, minimal input from the tester is required, mainly for overseeing the software that runs the scripts and checking the generated test reports.

Automated tests are used in various situations and stages of testing:
  • Tests after deploying a new software version
  • Front-end web application tests
  • Front-end mobile application tests
  • System integration tests and their individual interfaces
  • Simulating interfaces of not yet developed software systems

Companies have started to realize and apply the benefits of automated testing in recent years. Reducing manual effort, testing speed, and testing scope that is not dependent on the number of physical testers clearly offsets the initial investment in implementing such a tool in companies.

Example script for automatic testing of a mobile application.

It is most appropriate to automate the test cases that meet the following criteria:
  • Test cases that are repeatedly executed (e.g., regression or smoke tests)
  • Test cases that are very time-consuming or difficult to perform manually
The main advantages of automated testing are:
  • Automating tests reduces the number of testers needed and minimizes the occurrence of errors.
  • Increasing ROI of testing
  • Automatic tests can be scheduled to run without human intervention, for example, at night
  • Test automation allows parallel test execution, which increases efficiency.
  • Automation helps to increase test coverage of scope/delivery/SW
  • Manual testing can be stereotypical and boring, and therefore prone to errors.
  • Rapid identification and resolution of errors can contribute to shorter time2market.
Integrated testing

This type of testing combines manual and automated testing to achieve maximum efficiency. By using an appropriate ratio of manual vs. automated testing and organizing tests, up to 70% of the money and time required for testing can be saved.

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Greyson Consulting has been bringing innovations to companies in Central Europe for 14 years. We have experience with energy projects in energy companies in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, where we help analyze their current position and strategies in the IT field, digitize, and adapt to the latest technologies and trends.

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