Graduates from IT a Tech field from IT a Tech field
Tereza Luteránová

During the last two years of my studies at the University of Economics in Prague, I worked as a Project Management Officer at Greyson. During this time, I learned a lot about how projects work and I got an idea of which direction I wanted to go after finishing school. I always thought IT was an excellent field, but because of my lack of knowledge, I couldn't imagine how I could apply myself in it. However, after finishing school, Greyson offered me a position as a tester. My faculty of international relations didn't focus on IT subjects, so I considered taking on the role of a tester as a significant challenge. After a few months in this position, I can say that for anyone who wants to work in IT in the future and currently lacks experience, just like I did, becoming a tester is an excellent choice.

During the project, I gradually learned the basics necessary for the work of a tester, such as working with databases, SQL, Jira, XML, and REST API, and I came into contact with many new technologies for me. In recent months, I have not only gained a lot of technical knowledge and developed my skills, but I have also gained a better understanding of the functioning of the project and the product we work with. As part of my position, I deal with system and integration testing, and my work also includes preparing test scenarios and actively communicating with analysts and developers.

Undoubtedly, the most significant advantage of testing is that it is also suitable for fresh graduates or people who want to work in IT in the future but don't know where to start. One can quickly get oriented in how the project works and, through communication with the whole team, get an idea of what the work of an analyst or developer entails and whether they would like to pursue this direction in the future and find it interesting. A lot of knowledge needed for these positions can be gained from working as a tester. Testing offers many opportunities to grow career-wise, either in analysis, development, or growth in testing itself, making it an excellent starting point for building a career in the IT world.

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