The world is slowly returning to its usual course, and after a long separation and remote work, we could finally meet in person again. We survived the state of emergency, quarantine, pandemic...and therefore there was already a good reason to celebrate!
With the arrival of the new year, we used to look back and evaluate, but we mustn't forget to properly celebrate the past year 😊 The Christmas party season kicked off in Bratislava at the end of November on the banks of the Danube.
We have known for a long time that our company is full of active people, so September and October were all about running. First, the Slovak part of the company participated in a 10 km race.
We spent the last weekend of September at a company teambuilding event, attended by both the Slovak and Czech branches of Greyson. We met in the beautiful nature of Dolní Morava, which we admired from Friday evening until Sunday morning.
During these sunny days, fantastic barbecues took place in both corners of our countries. We started the season in the Czech Republic on an island in the middle of the Vltava River at the Cisarska louka. The Slovak barbecue did not wait long, and the aroma of grilled delicacies spread from the beautiful area in Patrónka.
Jún bol pre nás v znamení aktívneho odpočinku. Na Slovensku sme si začiatkom mesiaca užili trochu toho adrenalínu prostredníctvom motokárových pretekov, kde si naši zamestnanci navzájom zmerali sily. Takú istú zábavu si zvolil aj český Java tím, ktorý pretekal s časom a trhal traťové rekordy.
Colorful Funchal, the heart of the island of eternal spring - this is the new vacation destination where our employees can travel with their families and friends as part of one of our benefits this year. We are looking forward to new experiences! :)